ESSA Consultations

This page gives members the opportunity to provide feedback on matters ESSA is considering. This includes feedback on proposed regulations, submissions and systems.







Accredited Exercise Scientists Professional Standards for Accreditation Consultation

The AES Professional Standards for Accreditation and Support Guide have now been reviewed and are open for the first round of broad consultation. It is recommended that you review the Issues Paper first, then the draft documents. All feedback must be provided via the consultation questions link.

  • 2024 AES Professional Standards Major Review Issues Paper
  • Draft 2024 AES Professional Standards for Accreditation
  • Draft 2024 AES Professional Standards for Accreditation Support Guide
  • Consultation Questions

Consultation closed:  17 June 2024

Course Accreditation Committee Positions

The ESSA Board is now seeking expressions of interest for the Course Accreditation Committee (CAC). Applicants who would like to be considered for the position are invited to apply and submit the following:

  • Cover letter (addressing the essential and desirable attributes – one page maximum)
  • Current CV

Applicants who have previously served on the CAC are at liberty to re-submit past applications. The EOI, Position Descriptions (PD) and Terms of Reference (ToR) can be found below.

Closed Friday 8th March 2024

Accredited Exercise Physiology Graduate Internship Guidelines

This guideline aims to create a mutually beneficial internship experience for Exercise Physiology graduates and organizations. ESSA is seeking your input to ensure relevance and ensure appropriateness of the provided examples.

Anticipated finish date: 21 October 2023

For more information, please contact Member Development Advisor, Lauren Sexton.

Accredited Exercise Scientist Standards Major Review

The Accredited Exercise Scientist (AES) Standards are now due for its first major review under the current Lifecycle Model. This review will require a working group and subsequent consultations on the developed drafts.

  • Please read the EOI document to find out more about how you can support the project.
  • Please express your interest here.

EOI closed Friday, 27 October 2023

Anticipated Project finish date: June 2024

For more information, please contact Standards Advisor, Rachel Tijani.

Sports Science Course Accreditation Project

The Exercise & Sports Science (ESSA) Accreditation Council is currently overseeing the development of a new accreditation framework for courses in Sports Science (SpSci). This new framework will encompass the professional standards of Accredited Sports Scientist Level 1.

The primary focus of this project is to develop a Sports Science course accreditation framework that aligns with industry demands, by doing so, it assures that graduates possess the essential skills and knowledge required to thrive in their chosen field.

Closed: Monday July 30 2023

Scope of Practice Strategy Project

ESSA's Standards Council is overseeing a project to develop a 5-10 year strategic approach to ESSA profession scopes of practice. This project will consider:

  • Use, structure and content of ESSA profession scopes of practice
  • Development of an advanced scope of practice framework to support emerging areas of practice and recognition of expertise.

Closed: Friday 30 June 2023

Accredited Exercise Physiologist Rural Generalist Standards Review

The rural generalist pathway aims to develop the health workforce and services in rural areas. A key objective of this work is to improve health outcomes in rural and remote communities through facilitating access to multi-professional team health services. ESSA and the Allied Health Rural Generalist Standards Working Group (AHRGS WG) have been hard a work developing a fit for purpose set of standards to support this outcome. The draft standards are now available for consultation.

Closed Friday 30 June 2023

Accreditation Efficiencies Review

ESSA's Accreditation Council is overseeing a project to review the end-to-end processes of individual and course accreditation systems. The course accreditation efficiencies review will analyse ESSA’s end-to-end course accreditation application process to inform development of a robust, responsive framework for the next 5-10 years.

ESSA is seeking feedback from university personnel involved in course accreditation application processes.

Closed: Monday 2 May 2023