ESSA Advocacy Success: In-person Medicare services
ESSA and Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA) have successfully advocated for the inclusion of in-person services under Medicare Chronic Disease Management (CDM) care plans in the list of accepted health care ‘permitted work premises’.  

A reminder to all AEPs: you must only be providing services which prevent a significant change/deterioration in functional independence necessitating escalation of care (e.g., a requirement for specialist input/review, an increase in care needs and/or alternate accommodation, avoiding a hospital admission or emergency department presentation).

To assist you in making a clinical decision if a client is deemed ‘critical’, please use the updated ESSA Decision Tool. Please note, this tool is for those working in private practice in Stage 4. 

If you are working in regional Victoria, Stage 3 restrictions apply. For a summary of the service you can offer visit our COVID-19 FAQ page here.

ESSA continues to advocate
Since our communique on Friday, Anita Hobson-Powell, ESSA’s CEO has written to The Hon. Martin Pakula, Minister for the Coordination of Jobs, Precincts and Regions: COVID-19, advocating for exercise physiology to be added to the list of AHPRA-registered professionals (plus social workers, speech pathologists and dietitians) that can provide in-person services only if those services are necessary to prevent significant clinical deterioration.

ESSA has also supported several members who provided Anita with case studies of critical care to write directly to Minister Pakula.

Moving around Melbourne

  • All permitted workers must carry a permitted worker permit and should carry photo identification when travelling to and from work.
  • Information on how to issue/apply for a permitted worker permit is available for employers, employees, sole traders, contractors, casual workers, etc.
  • ESSA recommends that you also carry proof of your ESSA exercise physiology accreditation.
  • New guidance (dated 8 August, 2020) is available regarding the movement of health care workers and health service employees across and within health services.
  • Provision of allied health services within a client’s home is permitted providing the reason for care meets the required criteria.
  • Clients can leave home to visit health care providers under the guidance for care and health care. The 5km limit does not apply to care and health care.
  • Please ensure your face-to-face clients have either a hard copy of or have access to their care plans (e.g., via a phone) when they travel to you along with a text or email that confirms their appointments with you. 

Workplace safety

  • All workplaces in Victoria must have a COVID-Safe workplan in place to operate during Stage 3 and Stage 4 restrictions. This applies to all allied health including exercise physiology even if you are only providing telehealth services.
  • All health care workers in Victoria (under Stage 3 and Stage 4 restrictions) who have direct contact with clients must now wear eye protection in addition to a mask. Guidance on the use of PPE for health workers and specific advice for allied health professionals in private practice is now available.
  • Provision of services within a client’s home should be conducted the same as in a clinical setting i.e. with appropriate infection prevention control and use of PPE. Each client visit should be considered a change of workplace.

Join Wednesday night’s solution focused Q&A session for Victorian members
ESSA and the Victorian State Chapter will host a live ZOOM Meeting for all Victorian accredited professionals – covering telehealth, marketing, success stories and general support. 

Please email any questions you would like covered before the event. Email 
[email protected] by 5:00pm Tuesday, 11 August. 

There will be a limit of 100 participants, however, we will provide the recording ASAP.

Date and time: Wednesday, 12 August 2020 | 7:30pm - 9:00pm 
Register here

COVID-19 Primary Care and Allied Health webinar
The panel will provide key updates and answer participants’ questions. The discussion for this webinar will focus on the situation in Victoria and wearing masks during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Date and time: Wednesday, 12 August 2020 | 11:30am - midday

Webinar link: https://publish.viostream.com/app/s-n71f146


Business Support: Sole Trader/Self Employed
Business Victoria has updated its information for sole traders/self employed professionals impacted by COVID-19. Click here for more.