Exercise and Mental Health

Why the right professional is important for you

There is mounting evidence that suggests exercise is an effective treatment method for people suffering from acute and chronic mental illness, with some studies suggesting that exercise is just as effective, if not more effective than pharmacological intervention in alleviating depressive symptoms.

Exercise can make a big difference in mood and needs to be a fundamental part of mental health treatment. Even one workout a week is known to have great benefits.

Exercise can also counteract the side effects of some medications such as reducing the risk of falling by strengthening muscles and helping control body weight and blood pressure.

Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEPs) are university trained, exercise professionals who use expertly prescribed exercise to help you live a happier, healthier life. Find one in your local area who can support you today!

Want more information - click here for more resources and a FREE eBOOK!

Want to find a professional to support you?

If you would like to find an accredited exercise professional who can support you, please use our handy search function below.

If you cannot find anyone in your location, please contact us on [email protected] and we will assist.       

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